Newsletter January 2025

Happy New Year!

New year, new beginnings, new year resolutions.  Sometimes though, we have to look at the successes of last year.

Girlguiding Dorset had so many – did you see the 12 days of Christmas posted by Emma on our Facebook page?  From International experiences to awards and Thinking Day adventures.  I’m sure you will have your favourites.

However, for those of you who find this time of year difficult just remember you came through the whole of 2024, so well done you.  We lost some lovely friends on the way, who we miss greatly, but we made it.

As part of a new series throughout this year I am going to highlight some Girlguiding policies to remind the more mature leader (such as my good self) of recent changes.  We don’t always have the time to read everything that comes through so I thought some bite-sized links might give us the opportunity to have a quick update.  

This month –

good safeguarding behaviours:

As I write this I am also preparing for the meeting of all the Dorset Commissioners and Blue Team (Leadership Team) at the County Commissioners lunch.  Every year your commissioners represent you in organising the County plan – if you have something you want them to include make sure you drop them an email before January 15th to give them time to write it all down before we meet.

In June this year I will have completed 4 years as County Commissioner.  I am loving the role – the opportunity to get to meet so many people, join in with events, presentations and leading a team of fabulous people who keep the County running smoothly.  

Could you be a member of this team?  

We are looking for an International advisor and a Peer education lead.  Roles for the EDI team, Outdoor activities and Growth will be coming up this year and our amazing finance person tells me every year that she would like to pass on the role.  

Would you like to shadow someone to see how the role works?  Please email me for more information.  Also, please remember I can’t ask you if I don’t know about your skills and all of the people on the team are leaders just like you.  Go on… be brave.

Enough for this e-news.  I wish you all a happy and healthy 2025 and hope to see you at some county events this year.

With best wishes,


Poole Divisions are fortunate to have a boathouse that has kayaks and Canadian canoes.  

For many years now they have offered these activities to units in their areas as well as a longer boat club to give individual young members a 6 week boating experience.  

They are looking for qualified leaders to help them with this but are also interested in opening this up to other units.  You do have to be aware that this activity is time dependent so it may not suit units far from the facility in Poole.

If you are a leader who can help or are interested in offering it to your young members please contact

Newsletter December 2024

Hello everyone,

Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings, Happy Holidays.  Whatever way you celebrate I hope you manage to enjoy a break over the next few weeks.

Below are the results of a fun day out I had with Racheal and Chris at the office.  I definitely had a Christmas jumper on but I stood behind the County President and her new hat so that I didn’t need to remove all the little snowballs from my underwear (😊).

Christmas is a time to show our thanks to others for the year, but it is impossible to personally show my thanks to you all for all that you do.  

Whatever you do for Guiding, whichever role you hold, you are an integral part of the team and I thank you.  

Special thanks to the Blue Team and all the Division Commissioners without whom nothing would happen.  Here’s to 2025 whatever it may hold.

Best wishes,


Season’s Greetings

Newsletter November 2024

Hello everyone,

As the clocks changed I have been on two new warm welcome zooms.  It was lovely to meet new volunteers and welcome them to the county. 

I have also been having a bit of fun with the County President – watch out for the outcome of that in the next e-news – Thanks to Racheal for holding the camera.

See below details of the trainings on offer this month – still chance to sign up.  MIMO.

Now I need to start Christmas shopping…

With best wishes,


Autumn Training Opportunities

We’re pleased to say that we have a variety of short training sessions for you to book on the 23rd November…

Understanding and Using Social Media.

Social media is a great tool to share news and promote your unit. Come along and find out how to get the most out of social media for your unit, district and division from an Industry Trainer.

Young Leaders: An Overview.

This is a great overview aimed at Young Leaders and their leaders where you can chat through the process.

Approving REN forms and Risk Assessments. What to look for on the REN and risk assessment.

GO Training.

Understanding GO and how to use it.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis – so do register asap!

PGL Weekend Sept 2025

Another call to all our Brownies, Guides, Rangers and Young Leaders who would like to come along to Osmington Bay September 26th, 27th and 28th  2025.

For more information, please visit our website.

Newsletter October 2024

October is a mixed month for me.  I love to see the leaves changing colour but am not so keen on the dark nights.

Personally I have had one of those months that leave you feeling weary.  I have had to pull out of a few County events in order to be closer to home and have had to rely heavily on my Guiding family to help out.  

The GAW event was very successful despite the  rain.  The team were somewhat more understaffed than usual but that didn’t stop them from pulling out all the stops and having a great time.

Carolyn Harmer stood in for me at the Hidden Heroes event for SW region and at the commissioners conference.  I understand both were really lovely days celebrating our volunteers. 

The teams support, whether it was covering for me, offering a helping hand, or simply being there, made all the difference. I truly appreciate everyone’s kindness and willingness to go above and beyond, especially when I couldn’t be present myself.

I have managed to lead the GAW mentors/advisors meeting and the LDP meeting is coming up too (please note this is now on zoom – if you haven’t received your invitation please do let me know). 

We are welcoming some new Division commissioners to the team and saying farewell to a few too.  More of this next month.


PGL Weekend 2025

Thank you to those who have registered their interest in coming along to our PGL weekend at Osmington Bay in September 2025. We are delighted to have had such a positive response to this event!

You now need to confirm your requirements by booking online and paying  a deposit. Please note that places will be allocated on a first come first served basis and will not be booked until payment is made.

For more information please visit our website. 

Going Away With Scheme

Looking at doing your Going Away With (GAW) licence?

Have been doing holidays/camps for years?

Following a recent GAW mentor meeting it was suggested that new people may benefit from visiting camps/holidays of experienced people.

If you are experienced and could open up your event to someone new,  please let Alison know your event details, if you are new and would like to do this then please do the same.  Alison will try and match you up and allow you a chance to see how events can be run.

Gold Awards

Just a reminder that there is a new process for Gold award purchasing:

Sandra Gould has taken over the role from Ann Smith-Nicholls but will not be stocking Bronze, Silver or Gold badges.  

Please order through either Pauline at the Bournemouth shop to help us use up our stock and then either order online or contact Sandra, who runs a depot for Mid Division, ( and she will happily discuss an order.

The County Commissioner GOLD certificates that were previously sent out will now be emailed to you – please ask Alison at the office.  The certificate contains a link for parents to sign their GOLD award child onto in order to have a special visit in the early part of the year following their award.

Queen’s Guide Award

There are currently several candidates in Dorset working towards their Queens Guide Award.

They have completed an array of challenges such as gaining her GAW licence, learning BSL and teaching it to Brownies. 

One leader has organised a free toddler book exchange in her area. Another has used her INTOPs Interrailing towards one of the sections in the syllabus. 

The youngest candidate is volunteering with the Region Youth Focus group and learning about public speaking. She will share her new skill with her brownies.

Some leaders are going to Pax Lodge to meet new people.

What can you do to help?

Perhaps you could support a member with additional needs? Maybe you could mentor someone as they complete the award?

Talk to me about the new Queens Guide Award. Think about doing the award yourself or encourage others. If you’re organising an event/project that a candidate might be able to be part of the team and help, contact me.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Are you between the ages of 13 and 25 or do you know someone who is?  

Girlguiding Dorset DofE gives older Guides, Rangers, Young Leaders and young Adult Leaders the chance to complete their Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. 

It doesn’t matter if you are on your own or you are already with a group of friends, we will help you complete your award with like minded people.

You can find out more here then please contact me if you are interested and want to know how to register.

Going Away With Scheme (GAW) 1/10/2024 

Congratulations to Leaders who have completed the following qualifications…

Katie Norris, Poole East, GAW Modules 1-4

Deborah Emsen, North East Forest, GAW Modules 1-7

Well done!

County Office

Please note that there will not be anyone at the office (office hours)  between 25th October and 2nd November.

Newsletter September 2024

Hello everyone,

We are back!  I dodged the rain and some of the mud by choosing the Sunday as my day at Dorchester show – I stickered everyone who would let me, people in reflective waistcoats, scouters, children in buggies – I didn’t do pets but there’s always next year!   Thanks to all those who helped over the 2 days and especially to Emma.

My first activity this term has been with the county rangers/young leaders at the gliding event at the Dorset Gliding club.  What an afternoon.  Sadly I am a bit er…. too robust 😉 for this activity myself but it was amazing for the young members to have this opportunity.   Thank you to Eloise for organising the event and the gliding club for their expertise.  One to tell people when they suggest we might only do knitting and sewing!

I have met with Division commissioners to decide on what we are going to do for next year.  What a year we have coming up but more importantly what a team I have in the blue team who work so hard together to put forward these suggestions.  I will be meeting with them in October to get the dates together.

We also decided on the county part of the subscriptions and we have decided to remain at £10.  This will be the third year they have stayed at this figure.  We are able to do this because our interest has given us a buffer zone.  This means HQ+region+county subs for 2025 will be £54.50 per person.  Please remember that Divisions/Districts/buildings may add extra to this.

Finally, Ann Smith-Nichols has decided to step back as our County Badge secretary.  Ann has completed over 30 years in the role and has been an amazing support to more County Commissioners than I care to mention.  Ann and her helpers have been packaging up badge orders for such a long time that I’m sure their parcel wrapping is almost as good as Father Christmas himself.  Thank you so much Ann and team for all that you have done.

Sandra Gould will be taking over the role from the 20th September but will not be stocking Bronze, Silver or Gold badges.  Please order through either Pauline at the Bournemouth shop for the time-being to help us use up our stock and then either order online or contact Sandra, who runs a depot for Mid Division, ( and she will happily discuss an order.

The County Commissioner GOLD certificates that were previously sent out will now be emailed to you – please ask Alison at the office.  The certificate contains a link for parents to sign their GOLD award child onto in order to have a special visit in the early part of the year following their award.

And now back to sorting out the GAW weekend on Friday…. It’s all go.

Best wishes,


Newsletter August 2024

As the summer holidays come to the end I’m sure you are all looking at the new term.  I hope you had fabulous camps and holidays and that you are looking forward to the autumn term.

I went to PGL the other day to discuss our big county weekend in September 2025.  So far 236 people have shown an interest and we need to give approximate numbers by the end of September this year.  If you think you will have girls interested please sign up so I know how many places to book.  Unfortunately, this will not be available to Rainbows but is available to all other sections.

Subscriptions costs for February will be available shortly.  HQ is in at £33 and Region has gone up to £11.50.  County will finalise its figure at the beginning of September. Assuming a small increase, subs will be in the region of £56 – £60 per person (depending on what your District/Division adds).  Please start to get ready for this.

I’m still getting about seeing people – I look forward to catching up with some of you in the next few months.


Newsletter July 2024

It’s coming to summer and camps and holidays are all planned, REN forms in and are good to go.

Thank you so much for all you do to give our younger members a chance to go away.

June has been really busy. Gentian was fun and all the recipients that were able gathered at Charlton Marshall to eat and be merry. We managed both in one day!

Some were unable to come as they were at GLOW – I have seen some pictures – it looked like a great day.

The Brownie water event was the same day as GLOW and Gentian so I didn’t make it there either but I was told how well behaved they all were and how they had really enjoyed the day. Well done everyone and thank you Eloise.

I did, however, get to the Guide water sports event. It was a really lovely day and I sat chatting for a little while with the leaders who had come with their Guides. The Guides were having a great time in the distance and it was particularly satisfying to see so many enjoying themselves.

It’s coming to summer and camps and holidays are all planned, REN forms in and are good to go.

Thank you so much for all you do to give our younger members a chance to go away.

June has been really busy. Gentian was fun and all the recipients that were able gathered at Charlton Marshall to eat and be merry. We managed both in one day!

Some were unable to come as they were at GLOW – I have seen some pictures – it looked like a great day.

The Brownie water event was the same day as GLOW and Gentian so I didn’t make it there either but I was told how well behaved they all were and how they had really enjoyed the day. Well done everyone and thank you Eloise.

I did, however, get to the Guide water sports event. It was a really lovely day and I sat chatting for a little while with the leaders who had come with their Guides. The Guides were having a great time in the distance and it was particularly satisfying to see so many enjoying themselves.

Dudsbury is such and asset to the Bournemouth Divisions. (Contrary to popular belief it does not belong to the county) and I attended their meeting the other evening. Such a small dedicated band of people in their management committee. I shall be taking Brownies there soon and we hold a lot of County events there.

I was asked how “safe” it is from closure and, of course, the answer to that is support it or lose it. If you have time to be part of that committee then do let me know – they have countless ideas of ways to make Dudsbury succeed but can’t do it without volunteers.

I had a message from Fran telling me about a Trefoil Christmas Craft day on November 2nd at Harmans Cross Village Hall. Do contact Fran if you are interested.

Watch out in September for the launch of our PGL trip for September 26/27/28 2025. The weekend will be £130 for Brownies, Guides, Rangers and YL’s.

I am negotiating a day for Rainbows.

Please register your interest with approx. numbers you think you might have so I can judge on reservations.

Still hoping to catch up with some of you around the county before summer but if not have a bit of time off and I’ll see you in September 😊.

Best wishes,


Newsletter June 2024

Hello everyone,

I think I may have spotted summer today – don’t let too many know as it might run away again.

This is always a busy time of year – and we have had two water sports events and there’s a coasteering event planned and more next time about our Gentian lunch.

I know some are going to FLAME. I hope you all have a fabulous time.  I’ll be about that weekend – catch me if you haven’t got an ‘I met the County Commissioner’ badge.

If you have been thinking of doing your GAW licence there is still room at the GAW camp in September – please contact  

There will also be a training on the Saturday for those who can’t stay for the weekend.  Book for this online.

I have been visiting several units handing out awards and certificates – one of the best parts of my role.  

Talking of which, my three year anniversary as County Commissioner has been and gone.  What a roller-coaster ride and over half way through.

Here is to two more years of fun!


Gliding Event Saturday 14th September


Who this event is for:

Rangers, Young Leaders

Event information

Have you ever wanted to experience the beauty and freedom of gliding?

This is your opportunity…

Each flight from start to finish lasts around 6 minutes, the launch is an adrenaline rush followed by a silent calm soar around to landing.


Arrive by 14:30 for briefing

Flights will start after the briefing with the last flight at around 8pm.

What You Need to Know:

Leaders to attend with their Ranger/Young Leader

Please be aware that there will be some sitting around waiting for your turn to fly, so you may wish to bring something to do in the waiting time


£30 per person


Please inform us of any medical conditions at the point of booking so we can ensure it is safe for the young member to take part.

To find our more or book your place, click here.

Newsletter May 2024

The sun really does know when to shine on us doesn’t it?  What a fabulous day we had doing the Dorchester Monopoly run.  I sat outside three cafes waiting to be found and then gave out over 250 new “I met the County Commissioner” badges.

Thank you to Emma, Angela and Clare for their help and to Catherine and Katie for walking the streets to time some of the routes to make sure they were feasible.  The staff of Oxfam Dorchester were amazing  – letting adults in to take a photo of the illusive Suzie the cat and as a county we thanked the Police and postal workers.  All in all an extremely good day.  Badges and slightly amended e-boards will be available from Alison at the office once we have sorted the amendments.

More good news – we have topped 3700 members in the county and it’s going up by the day – well done everyone.

I had some sad news at the beginning of the week when I learnt that Sheila Soper had passed away.  Sheila had been prominent in Girlguiding Dorset and throughout SW region.  She had many strings to her bow and was passionate about most things… with perhaps the exception of craft. I imagine her in the great unknown sorting out a tent or two, organising a fundraiser for something and having a good sing-song.  She will be missed.

There are a couple of up and coming trainings.  Thought of being a mentor? and Going Away With training 20th-22nd September 2024.

And finally….

Loads of activities coming up… Million Mile CleanD-Day Anniversary Commemoration eventscounty Water Sports weekend and the Flame Challenge Sleepover event.


Monopoly Challenge Event… Results

This is how the final Leader Board looks after the event…

Awards Recommendations

Please could we remind you that the next awards recommendations need to be in by 7th July please. Thank you.

Unit Meeting Activities & Skills Builders Handouts

We have a limited selection of UMA and Skill Builder packs available from county office, free of charge (just a p&p fee if you are not able to collect).

Please visit the website to view stock.

To order please email

County Peer Educator Co-ordinator

The main purpose of this role is to support our team of Peer Educators (age 14 – 25) and assigning them to units that request a Peer Educator visit.  You do not need to have been a Peer Educator to do this role.

The role will give you opportunities to gain experience at team building, volunteer management and communications

To find out more or apply, please visit our website.

Recognised Prior Learning

Are you new to Guiding?

Do you need to present evidence of your First Response training or do you have existing recognised learning to register?

Details of how to submit recognised prior learning for review are all on the 1st response page of the region website.

If you are a doctor/nurse/HCP, you need to use the same form but scroll down to the second page where it asks for your registration number. You will also need to submit your BLS/ILS/ALS certificate.

“Regardless of your Recognised Prior Learning, you will still need to complete the Girlguiding eLearning on 1st Response. It’ll take roughly 5-15mins depending on how well you already know the Girlguiding processes”

Please remember, if you have a pin number for your profession, then you should submit this with your latest BLS/ILS/ALS certificate.

Going Away With Scheme April 2024

Congratulations to Leaders who have completed the following qualifications…

  • Rachel Banning Bournemouth North GAW Modules 1-7 
  • Jemma Pay Poole East Module 6 for Brownies
  • Vikki Warner North Module 8

Well done!

Newsletter April 2024


I’ve been able to have quite a quiet Easter.  I had hoped to do lots in the garden but the weather has not been good enough for that.  I have put my broad beans out (and the snails have eaten some of them) and the cucumbers given to me have been nibbled by some other little beastie.  The shed still needs painting and the hedge needs cutting.

Where on earth is she going with this? I hear you ask.  Well, it’s spring and spring is a time of growth and new beginnings. 

For all the little Rainbows we plant some will grow all the way into Rangers others will only benefit from Girlguiding in a small way but benefit they will. 

We have a couple of Divisions that are working with region to get new volunteers and some new units off the ground.  If that works we may be able to run that out across the County. 

When the weather improves, I will be hoping to plant some new seedlings but I’ll be really appreciating the perennial flowers that bloom every year.

Whether you are a new seedling or a hardy perennial I appreciate you all in my Guiding garden.

With best wishes,

Thinking Day 2024: Badges

Thinking Day 2024 badges – last few remaining…

Cost: £1 each plus postage and packing.

If you would like to purchase one, please email County Office, but hurry, they’re going fast –  first come first served!

Going Away With Weekend – Sept 2024

Have you lost your camping mojo?

– Do you want to take your Guides or Rangers away but you don’t have a licence?

– Are you hoping to re-hone your skills?

If the answer is yes this is the weekend for you.

When? 20 Sept 6pm – 22 Sept 11am

Where? Dudsbury Guide Camp, Christchurch Road, West Parley, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 8SS

Event information


Bring a group of 4-8 Guides or Rangers with you for a mini camp. Get a feel of how camping works, put some tents up, re-think your budgeting and programme, learn how to organise the catering and help to run the camp.

You will be supported by a group of experienced campers who will be on hand to show you the ropes and help you through the more challenging bits.

Cost: £55 per girl, £25 per adult. Minimum of 1 adult to 4-8 young members

Rangers/Young Leaders

Are you hoping to complete your lead away licence? Use this weekend as a practice weekend. Bring a group of 4-8 young leaders or rangers (including you) and have a practice run in a safe environment with experienced adults to hand.

Guides 12+ who have camped at least twice and completed camps skills builder 4

Are you hoping to complete your camp permit? Use this weekend as a practice weekend. Bring a group of 4-8 Guides (including you) and have a practice run in a safe environment with experienced adults to hand.


Please visit our website to register

Surfers Against Sewage – Million Mile Clean – June 2024

Planning next term?

For the month of June, Girlguiding Dorset are taking part in Surfers Against Sewage Million Mile Clean.

The Million Mile Clean is the biggest initiative of its kind in the UK, and is an annual action bringing Ocean Activists together to tackle plastic pollution head on. 

It isn’t just about cleaning the coast, The Million Mile Clean is about cleaning up the local area, riversides, footpaths, bridleways and greenspaces.

All sections have UMAs and skills builders linked to collecting litter or recycling which the activity so you may be able to tick off some activities.

You can register your clean at Surfers Against Sewage who will send you gloves and sacks to collect your rubbish in.

You may only need to request one set per district to keep their costs down and reduce your carbon footprint. You may wish to use litter pickers which some local councils or fairtrade shops may be able to lend you. You will need to complete a risk assessment for your area.

So take up the challenge and register your clean. Please let us know via the website form if your unit takes part.

Water Sports Weekend

After such a successful event last year, we are pleased to announce that we are holding this again for summer 2024. To find out more and book your space, please visit the website.

Congratulations to Leaders who have completed the following Going Away With (GAW) qualifications…

Natalie Adamson, North East Minster (NEM) Modules 1-8 and Zahra Chandler, Bournemouth North, Modules 1-7.

Well done!

Newsletter March 2024

I can’t believe it’s March already.

I took 3 of my Brownies to the Thinking Day Steam train event. Oh my goodness weren’t we lucky with the weather?  It was warm enough to take off coats and we were so impressive stood on the hills leading up to the castle to re-make our promise.  Thanks to Emma and the team for organising it and to the Swanage railway for their help.

I spent a great weekend at the end of February at Dudsbury with the INTOPS participants.  Most Divisions sent someone for selection and I think the highlight for me was the midday cooking challenge.  I loved the deconstructed oreo cheesecake – although the soup I had was pretty good too.  Thanks to those who made this possible and to the young members who came along and gave their best. 

I have been busy filling up my diary with events and trainings for the rest of the year.  

Look out for the Dorchester monopolywatersports and coasteering.

The GOLD event for 2023 winners is ready to go and the adult equivalent will be out soon.  

There is a commissioner’s and “everyone” REN training coming up along with mentor training.

Thank you to all who have paid their subscriptions quickly.  If you haven’t done so please will you nip off and sort it now.  Once again please let your Commissioner (or me) know if you are having issues.

To all those of you who celebrate Easter have a great holiday and I hope everyone’s Easter eggs are full of surprises.

Best Wishes,


County Commissioner

New: Mentors Training 15th June 2024

Come and see if you would like to be a mentor…

Who is this training for?: For those interested in being GAW/LQ mentors.

When: 15th June 2024 10:00 to 13:00

Where: County office

Find out more here and book your space.

County Water Sports Days

After such a successful event last year, we are pleased to announce that we are holding this again for 2024. To find out more, please visit the website.

Pre Loved Uniform Shop

Looking for uniform items? Just a reminder that we have a selection of items available at County Office. Click here to find out more.

Newsletter February 2024

Happy Thinking Day … well nearly.

I love Thinking Day.  My Brownies have sent videos to America to be played at their event – we are looking forward to their reply.

I am hoping for good weather for the Swanage event.  Totally sold out – we’ll need to consider another steam train activity in the future.

Last month we had several Division Commissioners stand down but some new faces are welcome to the table.  I look forward to them joining County exec.

At the end of January we had the County Commissioners lunch.  In the morning we had a great LGBTQI+ inclusion training and in the afternoon Dr. Anjana Khatwa joined us for a really interesting talk about the geology of Dorset.

I was surprised by the Region President with a silver oak leaf award – gobsmacked doesn’t cover it!  Please consider nominating people in your area for awards – our next County awards meeting is April 9th.  Anyone interested in joining our awards team please let me know – we would love some new faces.  It is one of the best roles – drop your details over to

Finally at the risk of repeating myself please check your subscription trial invoices and make sure they are correct and please pay on time.  I don’t want to have to chase you and you don’t want to be chased.  Please let your Commissioner or me know if you have issues.

Enjoy the 22nd – we look forward to the photos.

With Best Wishes,


County Commissioner

Hello all it’s Me again (Emma)!

Just dropping a quick note to let you know all the fab things planned this year from the G&R team…

February 18th is our Thinking Day event and I could not have imagined how quickly we were going to fill the spaces.

Sorry to those of you who have missed out this time around.

I really look forward to seeing your photos of the day so please post them and tag @girlguidingdorset #girlguidingdorset.

April 14th we hold our annual Gold event for those who achieved their gold from Jan1st 23 to Dec 31st 23. We are really excited to return to the Dorset Falconry Centre for exciting and informative demonstrations, amazing handling experiences and of course to visit the lovely café on site. The family are so welcoming to us all so we are grateful to be there again this year. If you know of any girls who achieved their award last year please remind them to sign up asap on our website.

May 11th we have a county take over of Dorchester planned. We invite you to take part in our new monopoly challenge with different routes for each section.

Take a leisurely packed lunch along the way and join us when completed to collect your badge and visit the Odeon cinema to watch a movie (movie tbc) in our privately booked screens.

Do sign your units up to this on our website asap so we can ensure we book big enough screens.

June 6th Adult members are invited to join us at Dudsbury to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-day. We shall be lighting the beacon and enjoying fish and chips as per the King’s request.

You can book your space by registering here.

June 8th Units are invited to commemorate D-day 80 at the signals museum in Blandford where they will take part in STEM workshops.

This event is open to Brownies, Guides and Rangers.

Please book your space by visiting our website.

June 7-9th is The Big Help out weekend.

Don’t forget we have an appropriate badge for anyone who ‘helps out’ during the year.

We have removed the clauses for this so it can be given for any occasion whether it’s a parent who has helped out, young member fundraising efforts etc it will be a great addition to your badge box.

Find out how to order one here.

If you choose to run a big help out event please let us know. We love to see what you are doing locally to grow your young members and volunteers.

I’m looking at suitable dates for some adults get togethers. So, keep your eyes peeled on the website or the Dorset Leaders Facebook group for these.

Lastly from me for now – I am looking for some team members. If you are keen to work as a team, have ideas to grow guiding or support the retention of our members please get in touch. We meet virtually generally on a Wednesday every 6-8 weeks depending on what’s going on.

Drop me an email at if you feel you would like to get involved.

Friends of Guiding Brownsea Island (FOGBI)

Friends of Guiding Brownsea Island (FOGBI) exists to provide support and to stimulate more interest in Brownsea Island in Poole Harbour.

Brownsea Island is the place where Lord Baden Powell held his experimental camp in 1907 which then led to the foundation of Scouting and Guiding.

FOGBI would like to make visits to Brownsea Island more affordable for any Unit in Dorset that would like to visit (either for a day or for a residential) but would have difficulty funding such a visit.

Applications are invited from Units who need help towards the cost of your National Trust Group membership or towards the cost of ferry fares from Poole to the island.

If your Unit or an individual member of your Unit would benefit from a small grant (of around £50) towards the cost of a visit, then please complete and return the application form by post or scanned and emailed.

Please submit further evidence if there are particular financial difficulties that may require additional assistance. All applications are dealt with in confidence.

Please note: A grant cannot be awarded for travel costs to Poole