Planning next term?
We all know about the impact rubbish and sewage has on the environment.
For the month of June, Girlguiding Dorset are taking part in Surfers Against Sewage Million Mile Clean.
The Million Mile Clean is the biggest initiative of its kind in the UK, and is an annual action bringing Ocean Activists together to tackle plastic pollution head on. It isn’t just about cleaning the coast, The Million Mile Clean is about cleaning up the local area, riversides, footpaths, bridleways and greenspaces.
All sections have UMAs and skills builders linked to collecting litter or recycling which the activity so you may be able to tick off some activities.
You can register your clean at Surfers Against Sewage who will send you gloves and sacks to collect your rubbish in.
You may only need to request one set per district to keep their costs down and reduce your carbon footprint. You may wish to use litter pickers which some local councils or fairtrade shops may be able to lend you. You will need to complete a risk assessment for your area.
So take up the challenge and register your clean. Please let us know via the form below if your unit takes part.