Looking for badge and programme ideas to introduce to your unit? Find our resources below...
Information and the syllabus for official interest badges can be found on the appropriate section pages of the national website. However, Girlguiding Dorset also has a few local badges you can introduce to your unit. Find local badge ideas below:

Programme Awards Order Form

Lend a Hand
You will all have seen King Charles III’s idea to make Monday 8th May 2023, a Volunteering Day.
Starting on this day, everyone is encouraged to give their time, skills and effort to help others.
This initiative has been called “The Big Help Out”.

Region Tri-Guiding Challenge
This challenge has been designed for the public as part of The Big Help Out, to encourage people to volunteer within Girlguiding, whilst showcasing what Guiding is all about. It will demonstrate the wonderful opportunities that are available to our members.
Monopoly Challenge Event