Girls aged 14-18 join Rangers. It's all about taking the lead and finding new challenges

Rangers meet up regularly, have fun doing activities together and be recognised for their achievements with badges and awards. Whatever you want to do, Rangers offers a range of unique opportunities.

In Rangers you'll follow our programme of interest badges, skills builders and awards. You'll take part in amazing challenges, travel the world and develop skills across our six themes.

Find out more about Rangers on the Girlguiding website. 

Young Leaders

A Young Leader is a member of Girlguiding who helps out at a Rainbow, Brownie or Guide unit, often on a weekly basis. You get involved in planning activities, running games, etc. and are valuable members of the Leadership Team.
Young Leaders are aged 14-17 years old. You may also be members of a Ranger unit but this is not a requirement of being a Young Leader.

The Young Leader Qualification (YLQ) is designed to help you take an active, positive part in running a Rainbow, Brownie or Guide unit. It is open to anyYoung Leader aged 14 to 17.

There are six modules, each of which covers a different aspect of helping to run a unit with the Leadership Team. These are completed alongside the work you do in helping to run activities, etc for your Rainbows, Brownies or Guides.

When you have finished
When you have completed all the modules of your YLQ you need to show it your local Commissioner who will verify that you have done everything. She can then follow the button to the right to place an order for your badge and certificate.
What's next?
Once you turn 16 you can start working on your Leadership Qualification (LQ). That's the qualification that adult complete in order to become Leaders or Assistant Leaders in their unit. Lots of the work you have carried out as part of your YLQ will count towards your LQ too. Although you can't take on these roles until you turn 18, you can work on the qualification at the of 16/17 meaning you could be a qualified Leader on your 18th birthday! Ask your local Commissioner for more information if you would like to take this next step.
You can work on the LQ even if you haven't completed the YLQ.
Are you interested in joining Rangers or would you like to find out more?