Home | Newsletter March 2023

Newsletter March 2023

Hello everyone,

Welcome to March and our new brand – WOW – I’m lovin’ it.  It’s big, bold and brilliant.  I’ve got my order in and can hardly wait to see all the new badges.

Being a County Commissioner has lots of high points and one of this week’s highest points was building palm trees with other County Commissioners at Foxlease.

Whilst waiting for our meeting I met some Weymouth Brownies and Guides having a fabulous time and they let me hijack their session and have a go at bouldering. I do have to report the Brownies were much, much better at it than me but it was good to hang onto the wall by my fingertips and remain in one piece.

Subscriptions 2023.  As I write 268 units/levels have paid their subscriptions – thank you so much all of you.  There are still 45 invoices outstanding – if you are in charge of one of those units or areas please can I encourage you to get the cheque in the post today. Thank you.

Some of you have been experiencing some issues with the syncing of the learning and Development platform and GO in regards to you’re a safe space.  Please do let membership systems know if this is the case for you.  Please can I remind you all that there must always be someone with ASS3 at every unit meeting and if you are planning on leading a residential you must also have this course.

I met with Going Away with mentors and advisors this week and we have a few things planned to help those of you who would like to start doing your Going Away with Licence.  Watch out on Facebook and on the website for further details.  Watch out too for a murder mystery night and a needle felting experience for leaders.

Looking forward to seeing the county adult awards winners from 2022 at the beginning of April for our afternoon tea. If you haven’t replied yet, please do.

Best wishes,


County Commissioner

Dudsbury Guide Camp – 15th April 2023

Enjoy the out of doors?

We are putting up a mess tent on the 15th April and looking for volunteers to help.

This will be up all season to offer extra shelter for those using the outdoor facilities on site.

We will be on site from 9:30am

Please contact :- letsbookdudsbury@gmail.com if you can help or want further info.

Booking Dudsbury, we have a new email for booking Dudsbury, it is:- letsbookdudsbury@gmail.com

Roverway 2024

Roverway in 2024 will be in Norway for 18-22 year olds.  

There will be a meeting on the 22nd March for those interested.

Friends of Guiding Brownsea Island Grant

Friends of Guiding Brownsea Island (FOGBI) exists to provide support and to stimulate more interest in Brownsea Island in Poole Harbour.

Brownsea Island is the place where Lord Baden Powell held his first experimental camp in 1907 which then led to the foundation of Scouting and Guiding.

FOGBI would like to make visits to Brownsea Island more affordable for any Unit in Dorset that would like to visit (either for a day or for a residential) but would have difficulty funding such a visit.

Applications are invited from Units who need help towards the cost of your National Trust Group membership or towards the cost of ferry fares from Poole to the island.

If your Unit or an individual member of your Unit would benefit from a small grant (of up to £50) towards the cost of a visit, then please complete and return the application form by post or scanned and emailed.

Please note: A grant cannot be awarded for travel costs to Poole

Once you have completed the Grant Application for help towards visiting Brownsea Island form, please return form to:

Friends of Guiding Treasurer:

Mrs Jill Beech, 46 Bridle Way, Colehill, Wimborne, BH21 2UB


Spring training – 22nd April 2023 – BOOK NOW

Dorset County Spring Training Day

Who this event is for?

18-30 year old, Adult Volunteers, Advisers, Leaders, Leaders in Training, Mentors, Unit Helpers, Volunteers, Young Leaders

Event information

When: Saturday 22nd April 2023

Arrive: from 8.45 Registration and refreshments

Where: Dorford Baptist Church Hall 2 Dorchester Road Dorchester DT1 1RR

Who: All day – Those needing 1st Response/Level 3 Safe Space and Leaders In Training (LiTs)

Cost:  £12 a day/£6 a half day

Parking: Pay & display carpark across the road

Please go to County website to view available sessions and register.

Pre-loved Uniform Shop

Following on from our January email announcing a trial launch of our pre-loved uniform shop, we are pleased to let you know that there is now a full list of what we currently have available here including how to purchase, so please do share.

This project is part of a county-wide initiative to reduce, reuse and recycle and to make guiding affordable for every family.

If you have any items you wish to donate from the current uniform collection, please email the County Office office@girlguidingdorset.org.uk.

Items can include Rainbows – Rangers and Leaders and Trefoil too.  We’d appreciate it if items are freshly washed.

Thank you!


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