Home | Newsletter May 2024

Newsletter May 2024

The sun really does know when to shine on us doesn’t it?  What a fabulous day we had doing the Dorchester Monopoly run.  I sat outside three cafes waiting to be found and then gave out over 250 new “I met the County Commissioner” badges.

Thank you to Emma, Angela and Clare for their help and to Catherine and Katie for walking the streets to time some of the routes to make sure they were feasible.  The staff of Oxfam Dorchester were amazing  – letting adults in to take a photo of the illusive Suzie the cat and as a county we thanked the Police and postal workers.  All in all an extremely good day.  Badges and slightly amended e-boards will be available from Alison at the office once we have sorted the amendments.

More good news – we have topped 3700 members in the county and it’s going up by the day – well done everyone.

I had some sad news at the beginning of the week when I learnt that Sheila Soper had passed away.  Sheila had been prominent in Girlguiding Dorset and throughout SW region.  She had many strings to her bow and was passionate about most things… with perhaps the exception of craft. I imagine her in the great unknown sorting out a tent or two, organising a fundraiser for something and having a good sing-song.  She will be missed.

There are a couple of up and coming trainings.  Thought of being a mentor? and Going Away With training 20th-22nd September 2024.

And finally….

Loads of activities coming up… Million Mile CleanD-Day Anniversary Commemoration eventscounty Water Sports weekend and the Flame Challenge Sleepover event.


Monopoly Challenge Event… Results

This is how the final Leader Board looks after the event…

Awards Recommendations

Please could we remind you that the next awards recommendations need to be in by 7th July please. Thank you.

Unit Meeting Activities & Skills Builders Handouts

We have a limited selection of UMA and Skill Builder packs available from county office, free of charge (just a p&p fee if you are not able to collect).

Please visit the website to view stock.

To order please email office@girlguidingdorset.org.uk

County Peer Educator Co-ordinator

The main purpose of this role is to support our team of Peer Educators (age 14 – 25) and assigning them to units that request a Peer Educator visit.  You do not need to have been a Peer Educator to do this role.

The role will give you opportunities to gain experience at team building, volunteer management and communications

To find out more or apply, please visit our website.

Recognised Prior Learning

Are you new to Guiding?

Do you need to present evidence of your First Response training or do you have existing recognised learning to register?

Details of how to submit recognised prior learning for review are all on the 1st response page of the region website.

If you are a doctor/nurse/HCP, you need to use the same form but scroll down to the second page where it asks for your registration number. You will also need to submit your BLS/ILS/ALS certificate.

“Regardless of your Recognised Prior Learning, you will still need to complete the Girlguiding eLearning on 1st Response. It’ll take roughly 5-15mins depending on how well you already know the Girlguiding processes”

Please remember, if you have a pin number for your profession, then you should submit this with your latest BLS/ILS/ALS certificate.

Going Away With Scheme April 2024

Congratulations to Leaders who have completed the following qualifications…

  • Rachel Banning Bournemouth North GAW Modules 1-7 
  • Jemma Pay Poole East Module 6 for Brownies
  • Vikki Warner North Module 8

Well done!


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Whether it’s an hour or two every few months or a regular weekly commitment, there are lots of ways to volunteer and help us create amazing opportunities for thousands of girls across Dorset.